If you are trying to plan a trip to Marseille, you will probably review the different accommodations in the region of Bouches du Rhône and Provence. If you are looking for a 3-star hotel in Marseille, if you come from some European countries, or from another part of the world, you will be faced with a system of classification of hotels in Marseille that creates confusion and can sometimes even be deceiving.

3 star hotel in Marseille
So how to choose your 3-star hotel in Marseille ?
How can a system that typically involves assigning a hotel a rating of one star to five stars be disconcerting ? A star rating system can be confusing, as there is no universal rating system used on websites, hotel websites or travel-oriented hotels.
This means that you can see the same hotel listed with a different number of stars on different websites. It also means that you can not reliably compare the ratings of 3-star hotels in Europe to those received by hotels in the United States.
What you may not know, however, is that there is no global system for these rankings. It all depends on the country where the institution, the region and the classification of which it is part is located.
While this is the case, the number of hotel stars is still very useful as a general guideline about what you can reasonably expect from a given 3-star hotel – as long as you know the system.

3-stars Hotel lounge Edmond Rostand in Marseille
In the United States, independent organizations like the AAA in England often use a five-star rating system to rate a hotel. A star is the lowest note and five stars the highest. While knowing the best and worst scores is helpful, knowing the meaning of the stars of a hotel is much more beneficial.
In Europe, HOTREC is in charge of classification. The association has been tasked with standardizing the star classification of hotels in 20 countries. At present, only 15 countries have already committed to using the same criteria to rank their institutions.

The Edmond café in our 3-star hotel in Marseille
Here is a general interpretation of the star rating system:
- 1-star : A star rating often means that a property has no frills and only offers basic accommodations. A star does not necessarily mean that a hotel is dirty, unkept or badly located. It just means you have a place to sleep, and that’s about it.
- 2-star : like one-star hotels, two-star hotels are generally more affordable than higher-rated hotels. They are also quite comfortable.
- 3-star : three-star hotels generally have unique amenities and offer quality service.
- 4-star: Four-star hotels are often known for their high quality and extraordinary comfort.
- 5-Star : A five-star establishment provides flawless service in a state-of-the-art facility. As a five-star establishment, such as upscale restaurants and personalized services to its guests. Neglecting no detail, these hotels even provide upscale luxury toiletries to guests.
While the Star rankings of the above-mentioned hotels can certainly help you to get an idea of what to expect of a 3-star hotel in Marseille, you can do a few more things to have a better idea of what you would you must wait.
One of the smartest things you can do is contact the 3-star hotel in Marseille where you plan to stay. The way the operator responds to your call and treats you clearly tells you what kind of service you can expect when you’re there.

telephone reception hotel
You should also check the online reviews to see what people have been to our 3-star hotel in Marseille and what they have to say about their experiences. Even the best-known and most popular 3-star hotels have some unpleasant reviews – no hotel will be perfect.
If you are looking for a nice place to stay in Marseille, in Provence, your search will probably end on our 3-star hotel in Marseille : Edmond Rostand. Located in the center of Marseille, capital of Provence, in the district of antique shops, near the prefecture, the old port of Marseille, the Cannebière, and the city center. The Edmond Rostand hotel is located close to some of Marseille’s most popular landmarks, such as the Bonne Mère, the Panier district, and the Cours Julien.
When you book a 3-star hotel in marseille, you’ll know you’ve made the right choice by booking with us. Book your stay at the Edmond Rostand hotel now or contact us online or by phone at 04 91 37 74 95.
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